Thursday, August 19, 2010

Procedure for Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds

1. Retrieve a sheet of paper on which you can create a data table, and do so, making it appear similar to the one attached to the lab report.
2. Place the large magnet in the bottom of one of the planting containers.
3. Cover the magnet with soil, and plant 3 radish seeds approximately ½” deep in the soil.
4. Place the small magnet in the bottom of another planting basin, and repeat step 3.
5. Place the medium sized magnet in the bottom of a basin, and again follow the instructions as listed in step 3.
6. Continue this process until all magnets of different sizes have been buried under soil, and seeds planted in the soil above them.
7. Fill another pot with soil, and plant 3 radish seeds in it, again ½” deep in the soil (this is the control).
8. Water each pot with the same amount of (distilled) water every day, and be sure that each pot receives equal amounts of sunlight.
9. Record the height of the tallest plant in each pot (metric), every day following the planting, making note of which pot’s seeds germinate first.
10. After 10 days of recording the heights of the tallest plant in each planting basin, clean out each of the pots, keeping the magnets, and repeat steps 1-9 again.
11. Continue this process until 3 trials, at minimum, have been completed, but continue testing if time and resources allow.

Other posts on germinating radiated seeds:

Abstract for Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds
The Research Paper: Grand Summary
Materials for Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds
Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds
Hypothesis for Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds
Plan for Science Fair Project: Germinating Radiated Seeds
Procedure for Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds
Procedure for Germinating Radiated Seeds... An Experiment
More of tracking progress in germinating radiated seeds
More of tracking progress in germinating radiated seeds - 3
Some History on the Experiment
A Conclusion to my Experiment about Germinating Radiated Seeds
Works Cited List for Science Fair Project: Germinating Radiated Seeds
Works Cited List for Science
Works Cited List for Science Fair: Germinating Radiated Seeds

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