Friday, April 15, 2011

MUN Resolution for UN Security Council RE: North Korea

Security Council
Topic: North Korea
Author: Country Name

Reinforcing the IAEA safeguards norm as a means to prevent proliferation;

Reminding States of their commitment to diminish the role of nuclear weapons in their security policies;

Recognizing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, therein specifically the clause guaranteeing all peoples the right to life;

Believing that the existence of nuclear weapons is a detriment to the peaceful and prosperous advancement of society;

Having heard North Korea’s malice intentions with its nuclear weapons program, as expressed by the country’s president, Kim Jung Il.

In order to implement the most effective solution to this problem, the following five step plan shall be enacted:

1. Urges all member States to adhere to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty;

2. Calls upon all nuclear-weapon States to take steps to reduce their non-strategic nuclear arsenals, and not to develop new types of nuclear weapons;

3. Endorses a complete embargo by all nations against North Korea, and

4. Approves the creation of a subcommittee to further determine the details of this embargo;

5. Further resolves to completely strip North Korea of its nuclear program, in its entirety, and

6. Appoints an ad-hoc style committee made up of United Nations member States, to establish the means by which all weapons will be disassembled and removed from North Korea, while concurrently supervised to the closest extent possible.

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