Thursday, April 14, 2011

Resolution for UN Economic and Social Council

To The Economic and Social Council,

Aware of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, cited from the Economic and Social Council Resolution 2000/22,

Aware of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Desiring that there be increased representation for indigenous people,

Disturbed that member governments often ignore groups of indigenous people,

Deeply concerned that the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is not sufficiently structured to fully represent the rights of indigenous people,

Calls upon the Economic and Social Council to restructure the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, cited from the Economic and Social Council Resolution 2000/22,

1. Endorse that it be revised in the following manner:

• Seven schools be created to educate interested diplomats
• Provisions be made so each of the seven geo-cultural regions already established have three members instead of two;
• The three members will include one government-appointed representative and two experts on indigenous people relative to the geo-cultural region represented;
• The three members meet tri-annually with a sub-committee of one elected representative from each indigenous group within the geo-cultural region;
• Candidates wishing to be elected to the sub-committees must attend
• Create a provision that seven schools, one for each geo-cultural region, be established to teach representatives about how the United Nations functions and operates, in order to allow representatives in the sub-committees

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