Thursday, April 14, 2011

Resolution for UN Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council,

Gravely concerned at the current lack of indigenous representation in the United Nations;
Observing the work of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in attempting to integrate the representation of indigenous peoples into the structure of the United Nations,
Underlining the obligation of sovereign nations to recognize the provisions of international humanitarian law,
Recognizing the existence of the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations and its purpose in relation to the expansion of indigenous rights to include representation in the United Nations,
Recognizing also the provisions of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, highlighting in particular the rights of indigenous peoples to self determination not to exclude the desire for representation in the United Nations;
1. Endorses the following procedures for increasing the representation of indigenous peoples in the United Nations:
• Adoption and implementation of anti-discriminatory legislation;
• Mandating contributions to the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations while changing the entity’s formal name;
• Expanding representation in the United Nations not to exclude any nation wanting to be included in it;
• Awarding such representation supplemented only by a formal guarantee of equity with the representative body and issuing each nation included in the above stated entity the same participatory rights as all others;
• Said rights of completely equal representation for all nations to be established at a forum involving only those nations already represented in the international body of the United Nations;
2. Guarantees the above stated rights to any nation who wishes to gain representation in the United Nations, but without each nation first meeting the following two prerequisites:
• Must be a sovereign nation;
• Must also be at peace with the rest of the world- externally, and internally as well, to include the absence of civil wars;
3. Authorizes the establishment of a forum to meet for not less than five days in Geneva, regarding the expansion of indigenous peoples’ representation in the UN, and to include representation from every nation already within the UN and from those nations not within the UN that wish to pursue the goal of immediate representation in the United Nations upon verification of the current members that said nation meets all conditions above stated and elsewhere.

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