Monday, October 29, 2007

About social influences and externalities in keeping a balanced lifestyle

I think that there are two main components to personal fitness; exercise, and a healthy diet. You want to be fit in both of these components, because if you don’t have your health, then you have nothing. If you ask any homeless person what the most important thing to them is, they’ll tell you that it’s their health. Being mentally healthy means getting enough sleep, and putting only good stuff in your head. You don’t want your head filled with the trash that some bands and gangs are today showing. If you are physically healthy, then you are getting the right amount of exercise in your life, and eating a well-balanced diet. You must eat healthy in order to get your body the proper nutrients it needs. Being socially healthy to me means living the Scout Law, motto, slogan, and Scout Oath. I try my best to uphold the Scout Law, oath, motto, and slogan every day and in doing so, I am showing characteristics of good social health. What I can do to prevent social, emotional, or mental problems is to have a healthy lifestyle with the proper well-balanced diet, exercise, and social activity. I have to be social with other people, because those people out there that aren’t very social, tend to keep the majority of their inner feelings bottled up inside them.

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