Friday, April 15, 2011

Observations: People Holding the Door for Each Other, Results

The data showed that the frequency of men to hold the door for women was the same as women who held the door for men. Traditional stereotype, especially in the southern United States, holds that men should hold the door open for women, however our data showed that it is just as likely for women to hold the door open for men. It is important to note, however, that in most instances of door holding, the first party to reach the door held it for the person behind them, regardless of sex. Our team noticed a large number of instances of men holding the door for men, however only four instances in which a woman held the door for another woman. Our team did not collect data on whether or not people refused to hold the door for one another, now the frequency of sex of people entering and leaving the library (i.e. how many men/women in total entered or exited).

1 Lab Data
3 Condition
4 W/W M/W W/M M/M
6 Frequency 4 13 13 18

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