Friday, April 15, 2011

Michael Moore's Film Sicko and Jane Addams, Conclusion

Addams would be strongly in favor of universal healthcare because it promotes a greater social ethic. Cultures, in this case the United States, tend to resist substantial changes that occur all at once. In the same way presidential hopefuls gain momentum and support, a social movement to transition America into a universal healthcare system would need to come about. With the help of politicians and other persons with power, a gradual shift toward a more equal healthcare system could begin. Firstly, I agree with Addams’ perspective on this issue because universal healthcare promotes a better social ethic. Secondly, Moore’s documentary revealed that in countries already using a universal healthcare system, healthcare is delivered just as timely and with as great or greater quality as it is here in the United States. There would unlikely be a degradation of healthcare service in this country if everyone was entitled to an equal amount of it. For these two reasons it is quite obvious that Addams would follow what is, in my opinion, the proper course of action.

Addams, Jane. 1902. Democracy and Social Ethics. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Lengermann, Patricia and Jill Niebrugge-Brantley. 2005. “Class Notes Jane Addams as a Critical Social Thinker, Spring 2008 American University, Washington D.C.” (

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