Friday, August 20, 2010

Why Columbus Day Should Be Eliminated as a Holiday

Due to the relevance of the Europeans expiration and unkindly circumstances toward the Native Americans, Columbus Day should be ruled out of society and no longer considered a holiday. Columbus came with others on ships over to the Americas (not knowingly at the time), and killed many Native Americans with European diseases and weapons. Columbus Day is celebrated because many Americans think that this is who discovered America. Columbus did not discover America; he merely bumped into it by accident. The real people responsible for discovering the land that we now live on, are the Native Americans. Columbus came, he stole the Native Americans discovery, he claimed it for himself, and then he killed to original founders. Columbus Day is a disgrace to be considered a national holiday. It should be abolished and replaced with a more appropriate holiday because Columbus did us no good when he found America, by aimlessly slaughtering innocent Native Americans.

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