Monday, October 29, 2007

Another class simulation...

Dear Diary,
I am a Mestizo originally from Europe. Seeing that this is true, I believe that teaching women to read and write is perfectly acceptable. Most Spanish and other Europeans will argue that teaching women to read and write would corrupt them. I don’t I don’t believe this to be true. My wife is a very intelligent woman. Although she didn’t have any formal teaching, I have taught her what I know, and she has picked up quickly on it. All women should be able to learn these skills. It is my belief that it is necessary to know these skills in order to survive in everyday life. Without knowing all this, women today make up about half of our population and don’t know anything about anything. If women knew these skills, then I can just imagine what life would be like if we had 100% of the population figuring things out, and not just half. I believe that letting women learn to read and write would be the best course of action to benefit this society the most.

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